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Vermouth is a type of flavored wine made from white or red wine, aromatic plants and spices. He is from Italy and is particularly popular in Europe, Latin America and the United States. There are two main types of vermouth: the white Vermouth, which is light and dry, and the red vermouth, which is softer and whip. The vermouth is made by infusing wine with aromatic plants and spices, then adding sugar and brandy to improve its flavor and lifespan.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

Values per 100 grams

133 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
12.7 Mg
69.1 Mg
11.4 G
0 Units
11.4 G
Vitamin A
0 Mg
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
0 Mg
Vitamin D
0 Mg
Vitamin E
0 Mg
0.8 G
5.1 Mg
Food fibers
0 G
8.7 Mg


What is the taste of the vermouth ?
Vermouth with a taste of bitterness, but also an aromatic side brought by herbs like oregano, spices like cloves, as well as vanilla.
What are the different varieties of vermouth available ?
There are several varieties of available vermouth, each with unique aromas and flavors. The main varieties include: - Red Vermouth: made from red wines and aromatic plants such as chamomile, cinnamon and orange bark. It has a softer and fruity flavor than the white vermouth. - White Vermouth: Made from white wines and aromatic plants such as mint, liquorice and lemon bark. He has a more herbaceous and spicy flavor than the red vermouth. - Rosé vermouth: Made from pink wines and aromatic plants, it is often more fruity and less spicy than other varieties. - Vermouth Dry: It is developed with a lower sugar level than other varieties, it is thus drier and more herbaceous. - Vermouth de Chambéry: It is a sweet vermouth, produced in the region of Chambéry in France, it is made from local white wines and aromatic herbs. It has a complex and refined flavor.
How to serve the worm ?
There are several ways to serve the vermouth: - the dry vermouth can be served frozen, accompanied by an orange or lemon zest. - The hot vermouth is a mixture of vermouth and hot water or broth, with spices like cinnamon and clove. - Vermouth is often used in many cocktails such as Martini, Manhattan, and Negroni.
What are the recommended food and vermouth agreements ?
There are many food and vermouth chords that can highlight the aromas and flavors of each: - Red Vermouth: it is often served with tomato dishes, such as Bolognese pasta or lasagna. It also accompanies red meats well, such as beef and pork, and strong cheeses. - White Vermouth: It is often served with fish -based dishes, such as salmon or seafood. It also accompanies poultry -based dishes, such as chicken or turkey, and soft cheeses. - Rosé vermouth: it can be served with light dishes, such as salads or vegetarian dishes, as well as with dishes made from seafood or white meat. - Vermouth Dry: He agrees with savory dishes, such as cold meats, dry cheeses, fish -based dishes and crustaceans. - Vermouth de Chambéry: It is often served with regional dishes, such as fondues and raclettes, as well as with dishes based on local cheeses and cold meats.

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